Và al contegnud

Utent:Daniel Souza

Contegnûi da pàgina no suportæ in de âtre léngoe.
De Wikipedia

This user comes from Brazil.
-3:00This user's time zone is -3:00.
@Quest'utente si può contattare via email.
This user can be found on the Libera IRC as danisztls

This user has a page on Wikitech.

This user has an account on the Wikimedia Beta Cluster.
Quest'utente ha un profilo e contribuisce su translatewiki.net.

User language
pt-BR-N Este usuário tem como língua materna o português brasileiro.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
es-2 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
Users by language

Hello, friend. Be welcome.